Saturday, September 19, 2009

Next Meeting: October 5, 7 PM

Next gathering is scheduled for Monday, October 5, 7 PM at Acme Scenic Arts, 941 West 7 thSt. St. Paul, MN.

If you would like to add an item to the agenda, contact Nance at: westendarts@fortroadfederation.

See you there!

Iron Pour Workshop a Blast!

About 15 aspiring alchemists met at Marty's studio on September 17 to learn about creating molds for high-relief sculptures. Marty ably led the workshop. Many questions were answered, and now we know the parameters of what we can sculpt that will translate well to a mold at the Iron Pour the weekend of Friday, October 9 through Sunday, October 11.

Would you like to create art at the Iron Pour?! Yes You Can!
To reserve a scratch tile for the Iron Pour, contact the West End Arts Coordinator, Nance, at

And remember, you can always CHECK OUT THE SCENE as long as you're here!

Minutes of September 3 WEA Meeting

West End Arts
September 3. 2009. 7 PM
Matt Brown and Lia Rivamonte's home/studio, 391 Banfil (at Western)
Matt Brown's studio: Ahh, the beauty of artistic disarray!

Attendees: Nance Derby, Paulette & David Rich, Kim Berry, Janine Olson,
Deborah Padgett, Michael Padgett, Deb Fisher, Matt Brown, Mary Esch, Marty Hicks, John Davidson, Heather Haynes, Maryellen Murphy, Halle O’Falvey, Virginia McBride, Lia Rivamonte

Lovely social setting in yard and studio (I’m regretting I failed to take some shots of Matt’s work in the studio… shoot…well, anyway, the work is vivid oil on canvas…) (Hey! Lia sent me some...)

Good attendance and much desire to socialize. Nance and Mary began the transition to new Coordinator by sharing the leadership role in this gathering. Deborah Padgett, Co-coordinator, butted into the business frequently to play the resident “control freak” and demand specific commitments, dates, times… that sort of thing.

It was announced that the September WEST END ARTIST profiled in the Community Reporter is Michael Padgett. Copies of the paper were passed around and attendees urged to read it and further urged to put together profiles of their own work and send it to Nance Derby, via email at and to Jerry Rothstein, Editor
Community Reporter
265 Oneida, St. Paul 55102

Please refer to earlier emails from Mary Esch regarding specific requirements for publication in The Community Reporter. Deborah Padgett [MOI, --- Minister of Information] offered to provide minutes and event updates regarding WEA to the Community Reporter and will be happy to submit press releases to this and other publications..

The next order of business concerned the upcoming, October 10th Iron Pour coordinated by Marty Hicks in conjunction with David Thune. Marty will host a pre- iron pour workshop for WEA members on Thursday evening, 7 PM, September 17 at his studio, 2223 Stewart Ave, St. Paul, MN 55116, Nance is making contact with provider of scratch tiles and she and Marty will negotiate costs for materials and participation on Friday when they meet with Dave Thune. Nance proposed getting Monroe Art School 8th graders involved in working with scratch tiles. She will follow up with the teacher there. Nance and Marty will also discuss the possibility of the work being displayed at Thune’s gallery. There was talk of potential permanent display on a garden gate next year. Paulette Meyers-Rich will contact John Yust to discuss possibility for display at Highbridge Park. It was reported that Dave Thune has committed to the Iron Pour every year he remains Council person. Marty and Nance will get back to people about cost for workshop and Iron Pour within the next couple of days. Iron Pour Schedule:
Friday, October 9th at the Brewery Grounds, those who have attended the workshop will make their molds.

Saturday, October 10th is more mold making from 10 AM – 3 PM. Working on scratch tiles can go on until 7 PM.

The actual pour is from 7 – 10 PM on Saturday, the 10th

On Sunday, the 11th there will be pulling of the sculptures and clean up, 11 AM – 3 PM.

The public is encouraged to come Friday through Sunday watch the spectacle of alchemy

Kim Berry, Mary E and/or Paulette will contact musicians to try to arrange for live music during the Iron Pour. For further information on the Iron Pour click the link on this page titled: CHECK THE CURRENT SCENE!

As an item of FYI, Mary E. pointed out to attendees that if they are having difficulty viewing the WEA blog they need only (and I paraphrase only slightly here) “fondle the website with their friggin’ (whatchacallit?) mouse, or whatever, and just kind of poke around in there ‘till you find…” She provided attendees with specific information to access the site and make contributions and comments on the site. It was determined we would discuss navigating the site and perhaps have a demonstration of the ease with which this can be done at a future meeting.

Next order of business is the exhibition Mary Esch will curate at the new Mississippi Market. She will decide, based on work submitted (by email by September 5 to, which artists and which work will be represented. The exhibit will be installed on September 25. D.P. will submit a press release regarding the exhibit once all details are finalized. Mary very much wants the work to represent the theme “West End Reflections”. The work must be suitable for wall display. She urged us to realize that if our work is not selected for this exhibit there will be future opportunities. She is also following up on exhibition opportunities at The Shalom Home.

A question was raised about the opportunity for a 2nd Annual at the Pilney (Jason’s contact) and it seems the Pilney space has been rented. Nance with check this out with Jason, as there may be future opportunities there.

Nance talked a bit about the structure of WEA and said she and Paulette will have the guidelines completed by next months meeting. The guidelines will reflect the grassroots nature of the organization. We hold 501C status through the Fort Road Federation (they are our fiscal agent). The structure will encourage anyone to make a proposal and then pull together working groups to make the project, idea, event, happen, much as Marty Hicks has spearheaded the Iron Pour and Mary Esch, the exhibit at Mississippi Market. There was scattered discussion about the importance of some of our events generating funds… nothing conclusive here. Lia talked about the importance of Art as community development and there was discussion about partnering and creating an Arts Festival or Fair in the future. Expansion of the Iron Pour into an even greater community partnering event in the future was also discussed.

Someone suggested the blog contain a suggestion box area and a way interested parties might sign on to participate. Nance, Deb and Mary will talk about the blog when they meet on Saturday.

A reminder of the American Craft Council’s October conference in Minneapolis was mentioned. Though it wasn’t mentioned at last night’s meeting, Deborah Padgett and Mary Esch followed up on the Open Figure Drawing Co-op at ACVR Warehouse on Wed nights. Another drawing co-op is being started by Armando Guttierez on Monday afternoons beginning this month. Contact Deborah P. for information to contact Armando.

Next gathering is scheduled for Monday, October 5, 7 PM at Halle O’Falvey’s house, 416 Arbor St. St. Paul, MN.

Respectfully submitted, Deborah Padgett, MOI and Co-Coordinator

Next Meeting: August 6, 2009 at the Pilney

The West End Arts Scene-and-be-Seen show was a smashing success - and proved that we have a vital arts community in West 7th and the neighboring areas of Saint Paul!

Come to the next general meeting of WEA, Wednesday, August 6th, at 7pm. At the Pilney building, 1032 West Seventh near Randolph.

Give and share input, ideas, or insight and help make the "scene" bigger and better! Show the world that people appreciate art and artists in Saint Paul!!

Plans are underway for a performing arts showcase and an iron pour!

Wow!! Thank you everyone!! C U there!!

Next Meeting: March 2, 2009 at Day By Day

Our next monthly meeting will be held on Monday March 2, 7PM, at the Day By Day Cafe.
If we go over an hour we are invited to spill over to Michael and Deborah Pagett's lovely home.

Announcing New Web Content Manager

Mary Esch will step up as New Content Manager for the blog. Don't let her get sucked into the vacum-read and give feedback.

WEA Meeting Minutes - February 5, 2009

WEA Monthly Meeting
February 5, 2009
Mancini’s, 7 PM
*Copy of meeting agenda… (see below)
Meeting Minutes
Attendees: Mary Esch, Deborah Padgett, Michael Padgett, Joe Landsberger & Maryellen Murphy
7:15 P.M.: Called to order
Agenda Review. Agreed to wrap up by 8:30 P
Discussion of great success of SEE, BE SCENE AND BE HEARD. "Invigorating". "Hard Work." Learned a lot, especially about things we would do differently". M.E. emphasized an interest in having predominantly West End talent participate. M.M. said she felt inspired for next time
Artists have been paid. Jason and Hall/ Not yet. After expenses, left with about $300 balance. Hall cost is $800 -- waiting on in-coming $1000 grant to cover that expense Though we could pay that $300 (or so) to SOKOL, want to pay full $800 so will wait for grant monies. After SOKOL, there will remain $200 of grant money – remaining $’s can be disbursed to other volunteer staff (for example: Jason G. for web page, logo creation, poster, etc.)
Discussion of publicity led to concern about W. 7th/Fort Road Federation logo inclusion in all WEA materials including blog, website and email. This is important because WEA is a Committee (Task Force) of W. 7th/Fort Road Federation and not its own, freestanding entity. Agreement that logo can be taken from W. 7th/Fort Road Federation website and included in consistent manner in aforementioned publications.
Established consensus that we do not have any one or more individuals willing to work on the project. All agreed it is an excellent project but no one has come forward to say, "yes, I will do this". Mary Esch will contact Mary Pumphrey and convey our regrets and appreciation for consideration.
Discussion about prior proposal to create a steering committee (Model after MAEP at MIA) Those in attendance asked when a report on status of guideline creation might be available. Joe said there had been discussion at prior meetings that projects have to come to WEA as detailed, review-able proposals No such proposal review process has been established. Seems some confusion about whether or not a steering committee/guidelines group already exists and, if so, who are it’s members and what is the status.
Possible creation of a position of treasurer was tabled for future consideration when more WEA participants are in attendance.
General discussion about the three major projects 1.) Visual arts exhibit 2). Iron Pour 3) Performance – Agreement that all were more or less successful but quite ambitious. Agreement also, that in future, would like to see participants from West End rather than reaching so far and wide and providing venues for artists from all over. Some thought WEA got ahead of itself and might want to step back and look at initial concept: That of a supportive network, a sharing of resources and ideas.
J.L. suggested something like an open studio, get-together in the Spring that could allow WEA artists to simply get to know each other as a next project. Michael and Deborah Padgett indicated interest in throwing open their studio doors for such an event. Further discussion at March 2 meeting (7 PM, Day by Day CafÈ).
Other ideas: A Garden Gig and/or Life Drawing Cooperative (just ideas).
J.L. proposed (not so much proposed as put out feelers…) further visibility by co-sponsoring next Lex/Ham play at SOKOL. Handed out blurb on current status of project. Joe will reach out to possible theatre artists in the West End to see if anyone would like to become a part of our Committee (WEA, that is) and perhaps give credibility to our signing on as co-sponsors. Joe will follow up with us at next meeting.

Announcements as indicated on included agenda. The Blogger user Pinky extended an invitation as indicated on agenda.
Next meeting of WEA will be held at 7 PM at the Day by Day CafÈ on Monday, Marcy 2, 2009. Announcement and agenda will be forwarded to membership via email.
Monthly General Meeting
February 5, 2008 7PM Mancini's
Old Business
I.)Summarize success at WEA Scene, be Seen, and be Heard-Thanks to all for hours of help
Wrap-up business-most bills have been paid but not CSPS
Waiting for COPP grant to come thru so we can pay CSPS full 800. If the COPP grant does not go thru then we can only pay CSPS about $300 ( + some cash that performers didn't want) which is what currently remains in WEA account.
-Mary Esch wrote thankyou note and sent most performers $ 23 cash (some people did not need to be paid: Winbergs,
-COPP grant, last bit available for 2008 is coming thru but there was clerical error so there is a delay in needed signatures.
-FYI: No more COPP grant money for 2009
II.)Neighborhood Video Project (NVP) -review proposal and talk about comments
Vote on next step
New Business
I,)Proposal to create Steering Committee (Model after Minnesota Artist Exhibition Program at MIA?)
II.)Proposal to create Treasurer
III.)Joe Landsberger proposes another way to get more visibility: Co-Sponser next Lex/Ham play at CSPS
2009 Play announced: Karel Svenk’s “The Last Cyclist”The scene is the Terezin Concentration Camp in Czechoslovakia during World War II.
Betty Moran of West 7th/Fort Road Federation is temporarily laid off
Paullette Myers-Rich received Minnesota Book Arts Award-congrats!

The Blogger user Pinky has invited you to contribute to the blog: WEST END ARTS SAINT PAUL, MN.To contribute to this blog, visit:
You'll need to sign in with a Google Account to confirm the invitation and start posting to this blog. If you don't have a Google Account yet, we'll show you how to get one in minutes.

West End Arts Meeting Announcement - April 2, 2009

Coordinator, Mary Esch announces the
West End Arts Monthly Meeting....Soiree

Thursday, April 2
Time: 7:00pm
Location: Acme Scenic Arts, 941 West 7th Street, BYOB or snack
All Welcome.
Agenda: Less formal meeting/more soiree, small art share, casual discussion on the making of a review committee, website awareness, rally more plein air painters and troubadors for West End Garden Tour.

Hey you, get up to speed and read minutes from past meetings at
For Further information please contact Mary at

June 6, 2009 West End Garden Tour

Some West End Artists and Musicians will be making there art and sound at the June 6, West End Gadren Tour. Guitar: Mike Orr; Plein Air Painters: Chris Weihe,Wendy McCarty, Kathryn Stemwedel, Rachael Johnson, and Mary Esch. Stop and say hello!

WEA Meeting Minutes - March 2, 2009

WEA Meeting Minutes
March 2, 2009
7 PM, DeGidios Restaurant
Attendees: Deborah Padgett, Michael Padgett, Kent Petterson, Roxi Swanson, Joe Landsberger, Lia Rivamonde, Virginia McBride, March Esch, Nance Derby, Maryellen Murphy
Mary Esch explained that COPP $1000 is coming, signed and ready. Will pay SOKOL $800 in approx. 2 weeks
The Padgett’s will host a WEA and friends Spring Studio Party on Saturday, May 9, from 7 – 11 PM. The party will be in lieu of the May meeting of WEA. Stay tuned for email invitation with specifics. For now, know that it will be potluck and bring a favorite beverage. The Padgett’s address is" 274 Goodrich Avenue, St. Paul, MN, 55102 (directly across W. 7th from the Day by Day CafÈ). Web address is : http://homepage.mac/deborahpadgett/index.old.html
Joe L. raised the possibility of creating a catchy name for the studio event giving an indication that this is the first of many such events to come. So far we haven’t moved beyond WEA Spring Studio Party… so, feel free to contact Joe or either of the Padgett’s with a catchy name.
Discussion of the party was set aside for a few minutes to discuss Nance Derby’s concerns about getting together a "vetting" (project review) group so that all proposals for exhibits, events, etc. can be reviewed in a consistent manner along similar guidelines and then brought before the larger group. {We have more than 60 West End artists on our list of "members", any of whom are welcome to attend each monthly meeting} The concern is we have to re-invent the wheel at each meeting, provide background information for new attendees and the process becomes cumbersome, ineffective and "no fun". We Tabled discussion until later in the meeting. [The later decision was to announce via email that such a group is forming and request that interested parties will notify the coordinator prior to the April 2 meeting. Selection of the project review group will take place at the April 2 meeting and the role they will play will be presented (NANCE? PAULETTE?)
Kent Petterson, from West End Gardeners attended the meeting to present an opportunity for West End Arts to participate in the West End Garden Tour on June 6 this summer.
Mary Esch is coordinating placement of 5 (or more) Plein Air painters to set up their easels in many of the gardens. There will be an effort to recruit some West End musicians as troubadours to stroll the gardens. It was agreed we would try to spread the word about this opportunity.
Additionally, Kent requested artists’ help with creation of a logo for West End Gardeners with a bit more artistic flair than the existing logo. In exchange for the artists working with him on this WEA will be provided with a half-page ad space in the Garden show booklet (catalogue). Maryellen, Nance, Mary Esch and John Davidson will meet with Kent at his bookstore at 6 PM, Thursday, March 5 to get logo together. Mary Esch and Nance will create ad copy and supply it to Kent by (what date? I missed this. D.P.)
Mary Esch raised the idea of generating WEA participants for the August, 2009, National Night Out. It was decided we will discuss this in more detail at April meeting and perhaps it can be one of the first proposals the Project Review Committee can review.
Further involvement was proposed in the Cullen Park Project. It was decided that Mary Esch will contact Paulette Meyers-Rich (the initiator of the project) and let her know the first steps seem to be for her to make contact with Parks and Recreation, W. 7th/Fort Road Federation and Neighborhoods surrounding the park. Next, a detailed proposal should be put together and reviewed by the Project Review Committee.
Further new business: Roxi expressed an interest in WEA preparing for future St. Paul Art Crawls and perhaps sharing studio or exhibit space among artists who have existing space and those who do not. There was further discussion of highlighting the visibility of West End Artists through a flyer or advertisement and even, ultimately hosting an art crawl (of sorts) of our own. Discussions will continue. Nance told Roxi she had available space at her studio on W. 7th and this led to the decision to hold the Thursday, April 2, 7 PM meeting at Nance’s studio: 941 W. 7th, B40B. Bring something to drink or snack to share, maybe even a sketch book. These meetings are meant to be fun.
The request was made of attendees to start thinking who will be coordinator when Mary E’s tenure is up in the fall. The question was raised about a position description. Mary E. said she will provide one at the next meeting.
Web management was discussed. Mary E. has taken over where Jason and Rachel left off. Joe L. said the site could (and perhaps, should) become a sub-site of the Federation. He and Mary E. will discuss and see where we are by next meeting. Meeting wrapped about 9 PM (or so) with a few staying on into the wee hours of the night (10:30/11?) just for fun.
Respectfully submitted, Deborah Padgett