Thursday, October 18, 2007

Andrew's Ideas

Opportunities (preceded by footnotation for more information)

1) Cullen Park
2) Schmidt Happens
3) SuperAmerica
4) Jefferson Parkway
5) dance
6) poetry
7) flash gallery
8) smokestack
9) neon
10) metals
11) jewelry


1) Cullen Park
The canvas that is Cullen Park needs to be stretched. Shovels and barrows and biceps are what's needed to expose the curbstone, the central and defining element of the site. Once The Cullen Streetscape is resurrected, the locations of new features will become more evident. (Was that at all artsy-sounding?!)

2) Schmidt
We already have our foot in the door - or should I say sandal in the gate? - at the Schmidt Brewery, so I think it would be cool to somehow get the W 7th/Oneida gate opened and have a Save The Brewery Fundraiser behind The Bottle. Perhaps in conjunction with the new "Welcome to the West End" billboard. Even if we only raise $17, we'd be several steps closer in gaining a permanent physical presence there.

3) SuperAmerica
We're pretty tired of looking at the blank back wall of SA that seems to attracts drug-dealers. I recall using the "grid" method of enlarging cartoons, and wonder how easy it would be to use that elementary school technique using rectangles ("concrete blocks"). I also wonder if a particular style would be less likely to get tagged. (Cool grafitti? Would that backfire?) Tangent: We might want to prepare the community for the potential loss of the mural on the Keg House.

4) Jefferson Parkway
Erik With A K has a great vision for Jefferson Parkway, from Lex to the Brewery. Imagine a median of sculpture... and less bituminous...

5) dancing
One of the most fun I've had at the CSPS Hall was the Irish Dancing night (St. Pat's?). I'd like to see other types of trippy dancing on the stage.

6) poetry, man
Our neighbor Dudley Vogt is involved with young adults and poetry slamming. The Black Box at Central HS seems to be a hotbed of energetic poets. Maybe we have some in our midst, too. A show on the CSPS stage might be fun for local youngsters, and even oldsters.

7) flash gallery
Carol Carey and others at Historic Saint Paul have been discussing "Flash Stores" or something like that. The concept is to set up a temporary shop for a week or so, and just see what happens. Maybe we could put a gallery-ish twist on that.

8) Smokestack
I've always said we should ask Christo to put a pink condom on the Xcel smokestack for an AIDS reawareness event. Do you have his number, Paulette? I am FOR saving the chimney, but fear I am in the minority. I'd like to take a poll at the next meeting.

9) Neon
It would be fun to attract a neon signmaker to the neighborhood. Have you seen the Danny Boy's "Cheeseburger" sign in Shamrock's? I hate bad signs, and was even born under one, but I love good ones.

10) Metals
John Yust wants to learn how to shoe a horse. Surprise, surprise. A Metals Fair would be cool. "Free Horseshoeing For All Saint Paul Residents!" "Get the dents out of your pewter tankards here!" "Platinum Nose Rings R Us"

11) Jewelry
I'm not really into jewelry.


Andrew said...

Cullen Parkwise, I am especially interested in plants growing on and amid art, such as hops growing up and helping to form an "umbrella," and amber waving barley nearby. With a water spigot, people could be immersed in (the ingredients of) beer without getting drunk. It might provide a soothing, transitional place to meditate for the neighbors down the street.

Anonymous said...

Cool ideas, all. Thanks, Andrew. Another: For summer and spring have a neighborhood farmer's market to rival the "upscale" one by the Guthrie. They have artists, performers, food demos in addition to the commonly found goods.