Monday, April 13, 2009

WEA Minutes from April 2

Submitted, Saturday, April 11, 2009
WEA Meeting Minutes
April 2, 2009

7 PM, Nance Derby’s studio, 941 W. 7th

Attendees: Deborah Padgett, Michael Padgett, Kent Petterson, David Rich, Paulette Myers-Rich, Halle O-Falvey, John Davidson,Edie Meissner, Marty Hicks, Jason Gorski, Rachel Gorski, Mike Orr, David Christoffersen, Cathie Carlson, March Esch, Nance Derby

The meeting/soiree began in a most soiree like manner with bottle being opened, chips being munched, everybody talking at once and much laughter. Kent Peterson, West End Gardners got the business started (very much in sync with the soiree atmosphere) by reporting the logo making party held at his TERRACE HORTICULTURAL BOOKS resulted in some greatly appreciated artwork for the June 6, West End Garden Tour catalogue. As a result of our involvement we are granted a 4” x 5” ad in the catalogue. Mary Esch has worked tirelessly to recruit Peinters des Plein Air to paint in the gardens and Troubadours to stroll the gardens making music. Here’s a mock up of possible ad:

Kent thanked all involved (Tonya Johnson, Mary Esch, Nance Derby) profusely and invited us to attend the Terrace Hortiultual Books Open House on Saturday, April 4, 2009. Nance added that the Friends of the Artists, Daytons Flower Show would be held in the Daytons (Yes, she said Daytons!) auditorium.

Applause, praise and recognition were offered in honor of our own, Paulette Meyers-Rich for her fabulous accomplishment as recipient of the Minnesota Book Award. Examples of her work are on display on the 1st floor of the St. Paul Central Library, non-circulating collection, up until May 1, 2009.

Next order of business was to table or vote on the formation of a new project review committee. A fair amount of discussion ensued resulting in Paulette and Nance agreeing to finalize the proposal guidelines for our review at next meeting. There was talk of crating a core group that could rotate in one year shifts.
Next order of business: Mary Esch has website access and wants techi help. Deborah Padgettt will be techi help and Nance Derby wants to be involved. She mentioned she considers herself in training to possibly offer to be Mary’s replacement as Coordinator in September.

Paulette reported on the history and progress of the Cullen park project. She met with Joe Landsberger, Rachel and Jodi Martinez at Parks Department. A survey is being done and once the “bones” of the park have been established decisions can start to be made about where things can go. So, when opportunity is there to do gardens, art, murals, they will let us know when the time is right?

We need new coordinator nominees: anyone interested and wanting the job description please contact Marcy Esch or Deborah Padgett.

Treasury report: Paid Sokol MN $800, Paid Gorski, $380, have balance $319.
Rachael Johnson made a request for silent auction on behalf of Rudies. After some discussion WEA decided it was not something we will do.

New business: Nance and Paulette each had some fundraising ideas they want to put into play in future discussions like, perhaps, a “Calendar” of local artists… Other ideas

Edie asked who will report about WEA at the Federation annual meeting on Monday, April 13. Halle, Jason, Mary and Deborah will participate. (Mary sent out an email detailing who will do what and when on that evening and indicating the expectation of Free Beer). It was agreed we want to present WEA so far as a “Roaring Success”. (See email for further details).

Edie mentioned she would like to get some things going between West End and Lillydale parks when the time is right.

The Padgett’s will host a WEA and friends Spring Studio Party on Saturday, May 9, from 7 – 11 PM. The party will be in lieu of the May meeting of WEA. Here are the specifics. Please invite West End artists and friends of the arts to join us for a raucus and wild evening of S’Mores, appetizers, snacks, desserts, various beverages, laughter, music and erudite conversations pertaining to, yup you guessed it, THE ARTS! For now, know that it will be potluck and bring a favorite beverage. The Padgett’s address is” 274 Goodrich Avenue, St. Paul, MN, 55102 (directly across W. 7th from the Day by Day Café). Web address is :
Joe L. raised the possibility of creating a catchy name for the studio event giving an indication that this is the first of many such events to come. So far we haven’t moved beyond WEA Spring Studio Party… so, feel free to contact Joe or either of the Padgett’s with a catchy name. Let’s create some real visibility through this event!
Email Mary Esch at :
Contact Deb Padgett with any concerns about these minutes or any information you need about our May 9 party at

Please stay tuned to our website and blog at:

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