Friday, July 9, 2010

August Special Session, Iron Pour

July 9, 2010

Dearest West End Artists

We understand summer is busy which might explain low attendance at our monthly meetings. Participation is needed to keep opportunities and enthusiasm alive.

At the May meeting at The Lifted Up art Show we voted to have meetings every other month.

Attendance was so low at our July 5th meeting that the Iron Pour is in peril; therefore we would like to schedule a meeting in August to make specific plans for Iron Pour involvement.

We need a point person to coordinate the Iron Pour event, which is scheduled for Sept. 10th and or 11th. The funds are available and we have a checklist of tasks.

We would love to continue this as a West End Arts event.

Lets not miss this opportunity.

We really need a point person. No experience or skill with Iron Pours is necessary to coordinate this event.

The August Special Session meeting will be Monday, 8/2/10 at 7 P.M. at Deb and Michael Padgetts’ Studio, 274 Goodrich Ave., Saint Paul, MN 55102.

This is a very important meeting so please RSVP to

Please contact Nance or Deb ASAP if you will be our Iron Pour point person. We don’t have to wait till the August meeting to get started.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Any chance of getting the Asian spammer removed from this list?! It's putting a damper on my participation.