Friday, August 6, 2010


West End Arts http//
Special Session: Iron Pour
August 2, 2010, Padgett’s
NEXT MEETING: MONDAY, SEPT. 6, 7 PM, STUART LOUGHRIDGE, 265 West 7th St., 3rd floor (no elevator), black door.

Attendees: Nance Derby-Davidson, John Davidson, Paulette Meyers-Rich, David Meyers-Rich, Stuart Loughridge, Mary Esch, Kim Berry, Mary Ellen Murphy, Rachel Gorski, Jason Gorski, Marty Hicks

Called to order by Nance at 7:15 PM

Preliminary general discussion:

Prior to 7:15, Deborah handed out copies of the new and current issue of the colorful and informative COMMUNITY REPORTER for the dual purpose of tooting her own horn “DEAR DEB” column and the full color pages containing the ARTIST PROFILES. Cover to cover this is a community newspaper to be proud of.

Paulette shared a number of announcements of artists’ opportunities including Jerome
Foundation Book Arts Mentorships for emerging artists; MCBA is currently taking applications for its Artist co-operative; current and upcoming PRINT exhibit at MCBA (further information will be forthcoming on WEA website with appropriate links).

Nance provided an update on ART IN THE PARK, indicating the deadline has been extended and that she updated the WEA website to reflect that. There was some discussion of the complexity of the grant application process. Marty Hicks had some information based on his work with John Yust who has created blueprints & designs related to this opportunity.

David Rich raised the existing opportunity for involvement in a repeat of the LIBERAL ARTS exhibit hosted by Dave Thune’s gallery 4 years ago. He wasn’t clear on the specifics of this year’s benefit (scheduled late Sept? ) but seemed to think Bob Spaulding would have further information.

Nance announced our new WEA meeting schedule: Every other month (with this Aug. meeting being an additional necessity because the Iron Pour is coming up so soon… September, this year instead of October). Both Nance and Deborah are seeking to hand over their responsibilities to other parties willing to serve as Coordinator/co-Coordinator. Deborah will soon announce her “drop-dead” date and will enthusiastically continue to participate as a participant (yeah, it’s redundant… Everybody’s a critic…) rather than a Coco or MOI.

Upcoming Meeting Schedule:
Monday, September, 6, 2010, 7 PM Stuart Loughridge,
November 2010 David and Paulette Meyers-Rich
January 2011 Jason Gorski
March, Thurs., 3/3/ 2011, 7 PM Padgetts
May 2011 Marty Hicks
July 2011 Someone suggested Matt Brown (we’ll have to confirm his interest)

IRON POUR, dates: September 10 & 11, 2010

Task list: (first 4 items of many….)

1. Write (update) grant application D Padgett (done)
2. Need 30 tiles – 12-15 3D things
3. Dave Thune will need prodding Jason Gorski
4. A garden hose is needed

Nance has an extensive task list that she handed over to Marty Hicks (point person) to manage with any volunteers. Jason Gorski will work with Marty and will update the fabulous poster he created for the last two Iron Pour(s).

Deborah Padgett offered to retrieve last year’s press release, get it to Marty for updates and then send it on to various publications.

Notes were not taken on further discussions between those who will carry out involvement in the Iron Pour from now to completion.

Oh, and this is a cool thing, Mary Ellen Murphy brought her home brewed Pickallily Pickle Relish with Red Pepper and passed out numbers. Then she picked a winning number from a hat and the winner of the prize relish was Nance!

Some individuals had to skedaddle and others stayed to visit, discuss art and other life issues.

Since our meeting the Iron Pour proposal has been updated, submitted to Betty, signed and sent on to the City. We should be hearing soon…

Marty talked with the Iron Heads and they are available to do the pre-Iron Pour Workshop on Saturday, September 4, from noon to 4 PM.

Marty had a conversation with Betty Moran at the Federation – “Since the Federation is the Fiscal Agent for WEA, Betty will be collecting $$ from participants at the Iron Pour. As we collect names, they need to be forwarded to Betty -- she'll be making the "master list". I suggest we up the price for scratch tiles to $15 for West End people and $45 for out of area folks. Cost of 3D molds will be determined on site but will probably range from $45 to $100.” Let’s start spreading the word to make this another successful Iron Pour. More later…

Respectfully submitted,

Deborah Padgett

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